A review of the lanternfish genus Bolinichthys Paxton, 1972 (Myctophidae)

Hulley P.A., Duhamel G.

Published date: December 2009
Volume: 33
Number: 4
Pagination: 259-304
doi: https://doi.org/10.26028/1Q0T-3G89

How to cite: Hulley, P. A., & Duhamel, G. (2009). A review of the lanternfish genus Bolinichthys Paxton, 1972 (Myctophidae). Cybium, 33(4): 259-304. https://doi.org/10.26028/1Q0T-3G89


On the basis of data from 6,950 specimens, together with re-worked records from the collections of the world’s major research institutions and museums, the lanternfish genus Bolinichthys (family Myctophidae) is reviewed. A key to, and descriptions of the seven species comprising the genus are given. The vertical and geographic distributions of the component species (B. distofax, B. indicus, B. longipes, B. nikolayi, B. photothorax, B. pyrsobolus, and B. supralateralis) are examined and discussed in relation to physical and biological oceanographic parameters. In most species there are correlations with water mass structure. However, the distribution of B. supralateralis demonstrates a more complex relationship to bottom topography and local current systems.

Keywords: Bolinichthys - distribution - Ecology - Key to species - Lanternfishes - Myctophidae - Taxonomy
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