Review of Indo-Pacific specimens of the subfamily Scorpaeninae (Scorpaenidae), deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with description of a new species of Neomerinthe

Motomura H., Béarez P., Causse R.

Published date: March 2011
Volume: 35
Number: 1
Pagination: 055-073

How to cite: Motomura, H., Béarez, P., & Causse, R. (2011). Review of Indo-Pacific specimens of the subfamily Scorpaeninae (Scorpaenidae), deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with description of a new species of Neomerinthe. Cybium, 35(1): 55-73.


Examination of 739 Indo-Pacific specimens in the subfamily Scorpaeninae, deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, disclosed 71 species (and/or morphotypes) in 13 genera: Iracundus (1 species), Neomerinthe (9), Neoscorpaena (1), Parascorpaena (6), Phenacoscorpius (4), Pontinus (3), Pteroidichthys (2), Rhinopias (3), Scorpaena (6), Scorpaenodes (9), Scorpaenopsis (18), Sebastapistes (8) and Taenianotus (1). Neomerinthe naevosa sp. nov. is described on the basis of 28 specimens from French Polynesia. The poorly known scorpionfish, Neoscorpaena nielseni, previously known only from South Africa, is redescribed on the basis of 11 specimens, with new records from Madagascar, the Seychelles and Réunion. Pontinus nigerimum, previously known only from the east coast of Africa, is recorded from Madagascar and Réunion. Pontinus rhodochrous (Günther, 1872) is herein regarded as a senior synonym of Pontinus hexanema (Günther, 1880), based on examination of the syntypes and holotype, respectively, of these nominal species. Scorpaena bulacephala, previously known only from the type specimens from Norfolk Island, northern Tasman Sea, is recorded from Vanuatu. Scorpaenodes guamensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) is herein regarded as a senior synonym of Sebastes minutus Cuvier, 1829 on the basis of examination of syntypes of the two nominal species. Scorpaenopsis gilchristi, previously known only from two South African specimens, is recorded from New Caledonia. Scorpaenopsis pusilla, previously known only from two type specimens, is redescribed on the basis of 46 specimens from the Marquesas Islands. Scorpaenopsis venosa is recorded for the first time from the Red Sea, the Seychelles, Madagascar and New Caledonia. Sebastapistes strongia (Cuvier, 1829) is regarded as a senior synonym of Scorpaena laniaria Cuvier, 1829 on the basis of the syntypes and holotype, respectively, of the nominal species. Sebastapistes taeniophrys, previously known only from two type specimens from the Philippines, is recorded from Madagascar, being the first record of the species from the Indian Ocean. Scorpaena nesogallica Cuvier, 1829 and Scorpaena novaeguineae Cuvier, 1829 are confirmed as junior synonyms of Scorpaenopsis gibbosa (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) and Scorpaenopsis venosa (Cuvier, 1829), respectively. An annotated list of the specimens examined is provided.

Keywords: distribution - Indo-Pacific - New species - Redescriptions - Scorpaenidae - Scorpaeninae - Synonymies - Taxonomy
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