Morphological and histological study of the scales of the grey notothen, Lepidonotothen squamifrons (Günther, 1880) (Nototheniidae; Perciformes; Teleostei)

Lecomte F., Meunier F.J., Duhamel G.

Published date: February 2019
Volume: 43
Number: 1
Pagination: 097-101

How to cite: Lecomte, F., Meunier, F. J., & Duhamel, G. (2019). Morphological and histological study of the scales of the grey notothen, Lepidonotothen squamifrons (Günther 1880) (Nototheniidae; Perciformes; Teleostei). Cybium, 43(1): 97-101.


The scales of the grey notothen, Lepidonotothen squamifrons (Günther, 1880), show the classical organization of ctenoid scales: an external acellular ornamented bony layer bordered by posterior spines, the ctenii, and overlaying an incompletely mineralized basal plate. The basal plate is constituted by a number of collagenous layers that form an orthogonal plywood-like organization. The mineralization of the basal plate progresses due to the formation of ovoid Mandl’s corpuscles that progressively fused to each other. The morphology and the histology of scales of the grey notothen are similar to the scales of numerous Perciformes, such as the Percidae and the Cichlidae for example.

Keywords: Cteni - Histology - Lepidonotothen - Mandl’s corpuscles - Mineralization - Scales
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