Callogobius amikami a new species of goby (Gobiidae) from the Red Sea

Goren M., Miroz A., Baranes A.

Published date: December 1991
Volume: 15
Number: 4
Pagination: 299-302
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

A new species of a goby of the genus Callogobius was found in Eilat, Northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). The species is characterized by the following: 24 scales along the body; 9 transverse scale rows; 8 predorsal scales. Dorsal fins: VI, I, 10; anal fin: I 8. Posterior oculoscapular canal as well as preopercular pores absent. Ctenoid scales on posterior part of the body. Brown vertical bars on body.

Keywords: Callogobius amikami - Gobiidae - ISW - New species - Red Sea - Taxonomy
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