Egg capsules of deep-sea catsharks from Eastern North Atlantic, with first descriptions of the capsule of Galeus murinus and Apristurus aphyodes (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae)

Iglésias S.P., Du Buit M.H., Nakaya K.

Published date: February 2002
Volume: 26
Number: 1
Pagination: 059-063
Publisher: Société Française d’Ichtyologie

Egg capsules of four species of the deepwater catshark genera Galeus and Apristurus are described and compared. The egg capsules of G. murinus and A. aphyodes are firstly described from 4 and 9 capsules respectively, collected in the mother's oviducts. Unlike numerous species of the family, their egg capsules do not have prolonged ten-drils. The smallest gravid females of G. murinus and A. aphyodes measure 460 and 490 mm respectively. Their oviparous mode of reproduction was confirmed. There is only one egg capsule per oviduct for both species, indicating they are single oviparous species. Comments are made on the oviparity of the catsharks of these genera.

Keywords: A. laurussonii - Apristurus aphyodes - Egg capsule - ENA - G. melastomus - Galeus murinus - Oviparity - Scyliorhinidae
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