Use of tide pools as a spawning site by the bocon toadfish Amphichthys cryptocentrus (Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae), state of Maranhão, Brazil
Date de parution: juillet 2013
Volume: 37
Number: 3
Pagination: 227-228
How to cite: Coelho, G. K. F., de A. Nogueira, L., S. de Brito, P., Piorski, N. M., & Nunes, J. L. S. (2013). Use of tide pools as a spawning site by the bocon toadfish Amphichthys cryptocentrus (Batrachoidiformes: Batrachoididae), state of Maranhão, Brazil. Cybium, 37(3): 227-228.
This note reports the first record of Amphichthys cryptocentrus using tide pools on the beaches of the state of Maranhão, Brazil as a spawning site and nursery.
Mots-clés: Amphichthys cryptocentrus - Batrachoididae - Brazil coast - Reproduction site
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