Indo-Pacific Fish Conference

2-6 October 2017, Tahiti, French Polynesia

The Indo-Pacific Fish Conference is an international conference held every four years, which has been attracting world–class scientists and delegates from around the globe since its inception in 1981.

The Indo-Pacific is the largest biggest marine biogeographic area on the planet, spanning an area from South-Africa to Mexico, and providing habitat for many thousands of species. The 2017 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference will gather more than 400 scientists and stakeholders in ichthyology (including elasmobranchs and teleost fishes) from more than 30 countries.

For 33 years the conference has facilitated international collaboration among scientists and managers in the field of ichthyology in the Indo-Pacific.

IPFC Tahiti call for abstract open

Some news about the IPFC Tahiti 2017 (Indo-Pacific Fish Conference - The call for abstract is at present open:

The Call for Abstracts is open from March 1 to July 22, 2017.
Registration is open from April 1 to September 15, 2017.

A total of 42 sessions (from the 53 proposed) have been accepted for IPFC10. These 42 sessions are divided into 9 research themes:

A. Origin, Evolution, Taxonomy and Bio/Phylogeography of Indo-Pacific Fishes
B. Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific
C. Recent advances in the Study of Coral Reef Fishes
D. Biology, Ecology, Ethology and Conservation of Sharks, Rays and Top-predators
E. Freshwater, Diadromous, Cryptobenthic, Mesophotic and Deep-Sea Fishes: Essential Knowledge Required to Better Manage the Global Biodiversity in the Indo-Pacific
F. Local and Global Threats to Indo-Pacific Fish and the Potential Solutions
G. Long Term Monitoring of Indo-Pacific Fishes
H. The Future of Fish and Human Interactions
I. Other topics (e.g. Women in Marine Sciences; General session)

Call for Abstracts: Oral Presentation, Poster or Flash Talk - One submission per participant. IPFC participants will have one of the three following options for the presentation of their research:
1. an oral presentation (approximately 12-15 minutes, depending on the number of speakers),
2. a poster (85 cm wide and 180 cm high), or
3. a poster AND a flash talk. The poster and the flash talk will be on the same research thematic (i.e., only one abstract submitted). Poster dimensions: 85 cm wide and 180 cm high. Flash talks will take place at the end of each session. Each speaker will have a maximum of 4 slides and exactly 3 minutes to present their research.
Please note: the participant who present in “The Women in Marine Sciences” session (Session I) may give two presentations: one oral presentation in the “women” session and one oral presentation or one poster/flash talk in another session.
Proposal format is as follows: Registration and abstract submissions are managed through the conference website at: Once logged in, you can submit an abstract and register for the IPFC10.

The Call for Abstracts is open from March 1 to July 22, 2017.
Registration is open from April 1 to September 15, 2017.

Please note: Only those participants who submit an abstract and register before July 22nd will be allowed to present their research (oral presentation, poster or flash talk) at the IPFC. Participants who register after July 22nd will be allowed to attend the conference, but will not be given the opportunity to present their research.

IPFC bleeker awards Tahiti 2017

Since 2005, the Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC) has had the privilege of presenting the Bleeker Award, an award that honours individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of ichthyology in the Indo-Pacific. The award honours the memory of Pieter Bleeker, the late father of Indo-Pacific Ichthyology. Nominations for the 2017 Bleeker Awards are now open and will be presented to two ichthyologists for “an outstanding body of published work in Indo-Pacific ichthyology, with a focus on either on systematics or ecology” ( The winners of Bleeker awards will have to give a talk about their research during the 10th IPFC in Tahiti from 2-6 October, 2017.

Thanks to a strong partnership between the CRIOBE and Air Tahiti Nui (official airline partner of the 10th IPFC) and InterContinental Tahiti Resort (official hotel partner of the 10th IPFC), we are pleased to offer recipients of the 2017 Beeker Award :
* Free conference registration
* ATN airline tickets (from Paris, Los-Angeles, Auckland, New Caledonia or Tokyo)
* 4 nights at the Intercontinental Tahiti Resort

For more information about the applications, see :

Nominations should be submitted as an e-mail attachment by 28th February 2017 to the Chair of the Bleeker Award Committee, Prof. Lynnath Beckley (, and copied to the Chairman of 10th IPFC, Prof. David Lecchini (