Acclimation to captivity and GnRHa-induced spawning of meagre (Argyrosomus regius)

Duncan N., Estevez A., Padros F., Aguilera C., Montero F.E., Norambuena F., Carazo I., Carbo R., Mylonas C.C.

Published date: July 2008
Volume: 32
Number: 2 suppl.
Pagination: 332-333
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

Twelve meagre (Argyrosomus regius) of mean weight 20 ± 7 kg were captured and acclimatized to captivity using environmental control and de-parasitizing protocols. An active feeding response and the occurrence of sexual maturation to advanced stages indicated that the fish adapted well to captivity. Spawning was induced with hormonal treatments, two GnRHa-injected females spawned 7,221,000 floating eggs (in 3 spawns) and two GnRHa-implanted females spawned 9,515,000 eggs (in 9 spawns), with a mean ± SD hatching percentage of 45 ± 29 and 64 ± 28, respectively.

Keywords: Acclimatation - Gnrh - Hormonal induction - Meager
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