A comparative study on biological aspect of sperm in sterlet and Siberian sturgeon

Psenicka M., Alavi S.M.H., Rodina M., Cosson J., Nebesarova J., Gela D., Linhart O.

Published date: July 2008
Volume: 32
Number: 2 suppl.
Pagination: 179-180
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie
doi: https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/2008-322SP-077

Sperm morphology, biochemistry and physiology were compared between Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii and sterlet A. ruthenus in the present study. We observed wide morphological variations between spermatozoa of the two species. The average length of the spermatozoon head was 7.01 and 5.14 μm in A. baerii and A. ruthenus, respectively. Significant differences were observed in terms of Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations in the seminal plasma as well sperm velocity.

Keywords: Morphology - Physiology - Siberian sturgeon - Sperm - Sterlet
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