First records of Purplemouthed conger Pseudophichthys splendens (Anguilliformes: Congridae) from the Galicia Bank (NW Spain). A northward range extension of their distribution in the eastern Atlantic

Bañón R., Arronte J.C., Serrano A., Sánchez F.

Date de parution: septembre 2011
Volume: 35
Number: 3
Pagination: 262-264

How to cite: Bañón, R., Arronte, J. C., Serrano, A., & Sánchez, F. (2011). First records of Purplemouthed conger Pseudophichthys splendens (Anguilliformes: Congridae) from the Galicia Bank (NW Spain). A northward range extension of their distribution in the eastern Atlantic. Cybium, 35(3): 262-264.


Two Purplemouthed conger Pseudophichthys splendens were caught for the first time in the Galicia Bank. These new records extend northward their known distribution range in the eastern Atlantic. The occurrence of P. splendens in the Galicia Bank is discussed and the probable causes of its presence related to oceanographic processes and larval stages are provided.

Mots-clés: Congridae - Galicia Bank - New record - North-eastern Atlantic - Pseudophichthys splendens - Seamount
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