Effects of hormone injections on tolerance to cryopreservation of ayu spermatozoa

Yokoi K.I., Yamane K., Tsutaka M., Yamamoto S., Gouda M., Takii K., Ohta H.

Date de parution: juillet 2008
Volume: 32
Number: 2 suppl.
Pagination: 206-207
Editeur: Société Française d'Ichtyologie
doi: https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/2008-322SP-095

We examined the effects of maturation stimulating hormone, salmon pituitary extract (SPE) or 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17α-OHP), injections on the post-thaw motility of ayu spermatozoa. Comparative post-thaw motility (percent motility of post-thawed spermatozoa/that of fresh spermatozoa x100) in the Ringer control group showed higher percent motility in the late time than in the early time of the spawning season. Post-thaw motility was higher in the SPE and 17α-OHP groups than in the Ringer control group. These results indicate that maturation of spermatozoa enhances the tolerance of ayu spermatozoa to cryopreservation.

Mots-clés: Ayu - Cryopreservation - Hormone injection - Sperm motility - Tolerance
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