Pre-freezing incubation of intratesticular semen of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) XX-males

Viveiros A.T.M., Araujo R.V., Tabata Y.A., Rigolino M.G.

Published date: July 2008
Volume: 32
Number: 2 suppl.
Pagination: 216
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

Female rainbow trout reaches marketable size before male. Females are sex-reversed to produce XX-males, which mostly lack of sperm ducts. XX-males are sacrificed to obtain intratesticular sperm. Semen cryopreservation maximizes the use of a single male but post-thaw motility is often low. The aim of this study was to test a pre-freezing incubation of intratesticular semen in seminal plasma as a mean to improve post-thaw sperm motility. Intratesticular semen was diluted in seminal plasma obtained from normal XY-males at three ratios (semen:plasma): 1:0 (undiluted), 1:6 and 1:8. Half of the semen volume was immediately frozen in a medium containing glucose, egg yolk and DMSO . The other half was first incubated for 1:30 h at 4ºC and then frozen. Post-thaw sperm motility of undiluted semen (1:0) submitted or not to the pre-freezing incubation period was very low (0-6%). Post-thaw sperm motility of semen diluted 1:6 and 1:8 in seminal plasma increased from 16-18% to 50-60% when submitted first to the pre-freezing incubation period and then frozen. Incubation of intratesticular semen in seminal plasma prior to freezing, increased post-thaw motility.

Keywords: Cryopreservation - Pre-freezing incubation - Rainbow trout
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