New data on the distribution and biology of Rhynchogadus hepaticus and Eretmophorus kleinenbergi (Osteichthyes: Moridae)

Lloris D., Stefanescu C., Rucabado J.

Published date: April 1994
Volume: 18
Number: 2
Pagination: 129-134
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

The capture of two adult specimens of Rhynchogadus hepaticus (Facciolà, 1884) and two of Eretmophorus kleinenbergi (Giglioli, 1889) (Osteichthyes: Moridae) in the Catalan Sea (northwestern Mediterranean) is reported. Some new aspects relative to the morphology, biology, geographic and bathymetric distributions of both species are described.

Keywords: Biology - Catalan Sea - Eretmophorus kleinenbergi - Geographical and bathymetric distributions - MED - Moridae - Morphometry - Rhynchogadus hepaticus
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