Allozymic and scnDNA homogeneity in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) (Gadiformes: Gadidae)

Fevolden S.E., Christiansen J.S.

Published date: December 1997
Volume: 21
Number: 4
Pagination: 411-414
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

Polar cod in the Arctic Ocean exhibits variation over its distributional area in both morphometry, coloration and behaviour. The genetic basis to this variation is not known. Thus, a population genetic survey of polar cod was initiated. Specimens were sampled from the Pechora Sea, off Svalbard and in the Denmark Strait and examined for variation at selected enzyme coding loci plus at a scnDNA locus. None of the assays revealed a genetic structuring among the three geographic regions. Moreover, the predominant nonpolymorphic allozyme loci indicated that the genetic variation in polar cod is in general low, which may be in accordance with other species of fish in arctic regions.

Keywords: Allozymes - Arctic Ocean - Boreogadus saida - Gadidae - PN - Population structure - scnDNA
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