Gonads of groupers (Serranidae) from Mururoa and Hao (French Polynesia) used as indicators of the quality of the coral reef environment: histological and ultrastructural aspects

Bruslé J., Bruslé-Sicard S., Fourcault B.

Published date: December 1998
Volume: 22
Number: 4
Pagination: 371-382
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie
doi: https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/1998-224-006

A histological and ultrastructural study was carried out on gonads of 6 species of groupers, from two atolls (Mururoa and Hao in French Polynesia) suspected of being modified by man-made perturbations (radionuclides, ciguatera). Gonadal organization and the fine structure of the germ and somatic cells were apparently unaffected, suggesting that reproductive potentialities are normal.

Keywords: Cephalopholis argus - Coral reefs - Epinephelus merra - Epinephelus microdon - Epinephelus tauvina - French Polynesia - Gonads - Hao I. - Health condition - ISE - Mururoa I. - Plectropomus leopardus - Serranidae - Variola louti
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