
Portrait de abigail2105


Graduate School


Universitas Hasanuddin


Abigail Mary Moore
Rusunawa 2 Unhas Blok A/119
Jl Sahabat
Makassar 90245 Sulawesi Selatan

Thématiques de recherche

My research covers a wide range of fields and aspects, but is mostly related to biodiversity and conservation, with conservation including sustainable use. I have been based in Sulawesi since 1998, originally with local NGOs and then as a lecturer at the Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan in Palu. Based in Central Sulawesi from 1999-2016, I moved to Makassar, South Sulawesi for my PhD studies at Universitas Hasanuddin in 2016-2019 and am now based there.

I am especially interested in endemic species, coral reef and seagrass fishes, diadromous fishes and other species at risk of extirpation or extinction. Since 2013 I have also been involved in Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAFM) in Central and South Sulawesi. In terms of species the Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni has been a major focus of my research and other acticities since 2004. Other taxa I am or have been invovled with include the genus Anguilla, the climbing perch Anabas testudineus, the striped snakehead Channa striata, Sulawesi freshwater endemics (mainly genus Oryzias), and more recently gobies (Gobiidae and Eleotridae), especially diadromous species. I am increasingly involved in the application of genetic approaches, especially DNA barcoding and eDNA metabarcoding. In terms of ecosystems my main focus has been on coral reefs, but I have become increasingly involved in work on seagrass ecosystems and coastal zones more generally as well as freshwater ecosystems and I am interested in the linkages between different ecosystems, including diadromous species.

I spent my secondary school years in France, so I can read and speak French and Indonesian in addition to my native English. However, I find it very difficult to write good French on this keyboard, and my vocabulary is somewhat limited with respect to subjects (such as Ichthyology) not studied at school, so I decided to fill this form in English. However, I am very happy to receive material or communicate in any of those three languages.


Artisanal fisheries
endangered species
Poissons récifs coralliens