The Sardinian large elasmobranch database

Storai T., Cristo B., Zuffa M., Zinzula L., Floris A., Campanile A.T.

Date de parution: janvier 2007
Volume: 30
Number: 4 suppl.
Pagination: 141-144
Editeur: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

Elasmobranchs have been recorded off Sardinia (Central Mediterranean Sea) since ancient times, however their biodiversity has been little studied until now. The Sardinian Large Elasmobranch Database (SLED) is a non-government project, carried out by the Istituto di Scienze Naturali e Biologia Marina of Olbia, the DNAquA laboratory of Cagliari and the cooperation of other independent researchers. The main objective of this project is the compilation of historical and recent records of Elasmobranch species in Sardinian waters. Since 2004, the research has identified 26 species of sharks, representing 15 families. The resulting database will be a useful tool for various studies on Sardinian coastal biodiversity and monitoring.

Mots-clés: Biodiversity - database - Elasmobranchs - MED - Sardinia
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