Recent findings of some uncommon fishes from the central Tyrrhenian Sea

Psomadakis P.N., Scacco U., Vacchi M.

Date de parution: décembre 2006
Volume: 30
Number: 4
Pagination: 297-304
Editeur: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

Thirteen cartilaginous and bony fish species of great faunistic interest were found during a fish landing survey conducted at Anzio harbour (Latium, central Tyrrhenian Sea) in 2001-2002. Eleven of these (Evermannella balbo, Gymnura altavela, Lampris guttatus, Pomadasys incisus, Raja undulata, Remora osteochir, Schedophilus ovalis, Sudis hyalina, Tetragonurus cuvieri, Trachipterus trachypterus and Zu cristatus) are uncommon and even rare in the central Tyrrhenian Sea. Seven of these (Gymnura altavela, Lampris guttatus, Pomadasys incisus, Remora osteochir, Schedophilus ovalis, Sudis hyalina and Tetragonurus cuvieri) were never recorded in Latium waters. We discuss extension of the geographic area of a termophilic species, P. incisus, and the occurrence, in Anzio waters, of Sphyraena viridensis, currently recognized as endemic to the Mediterranean. Occurrence in the Tyrrhenian Sea of Beryx splendens, an Atlantic species, is critically discussed on the ground of existing hypotheses.

Mots-clés: MED - Record - Tyrrhenian Sea - Uncommon fish
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