First, field-based record of the lobed river mullet, Cestraeus plicatilis (Pisces: Mugilidae) from Papua New Guinea

Amick P.K., Toko P.S., Causse R.

Published date: May 2021
Volume: 45
Number: 2
Pagination: 159-161

How to cite: Amick, P. K., Toko, P. S., & Causse, R. (2021). First, field-based record of the lobed river mullet, Cestraeus plicatilis (Pisces: Mugilidae) from Papua New Guinea. Cybium, 45(2): 159-161.


The euryhaline species Cestraeus plicatilis Valenciennes 1836 (Mugilidae; Mugiliformes) was previously recorded from the Philippines Islands to New Caledonia, except Solomon Islands, Bismark Archipelago, New Guinea and Admiralty Islands. The present occurrence extends the distribution area of this species to New Britain, Papua New Guinea.

Keywords: Freshwater fish - Kumkom River - Mugilidae - New Britain - Whiteman Range
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