New records of abnormal pigmentation in fishes from the Atlantic European waters

Bañón R., Cerdeira D., De Carlos A.

Published date: June 2020
Volume: 44
Number: 2
Pagination: 161-163

How to cite: Bañón, R., Cerdeira, D., & De Carlos, A. (2020). New records of abnormal pigmentation in fishes from the Atlantic European waters. Cybium, 44(2): 161-163.


In early 2020, Spanish longliners recorded two new cases of anomalies in the coloration of marine fish in European Atlantic waters. A yellow-albino specimen of Merluccius merluccius of 616 mm TL was caught south off Ireland, whereas a xanthochromic specimen of Raja montagui of 658 mm TL was caught north off Spain. Identification of the specimens was made on the basis of morphological characters and confirmed by comparing their DNA barcodes with those deposited in the GenBank and BOLD repositories. A description of the anomalous coloration compared to normal coloration was also carried out.

Keywords: Albinism - Colouration - Hake - Spotted ray - Xanthochroism
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