The post-embryonic development of Amphiprion perideraion reveals a decoupling between morphological and pigmentation changes

Salis P., Roux N., Lecchini D., Laudet V.

Published date: December 2018
Volume: 42
Number: 4
Pagination: 309-312

How to cite: Salis, P., Roux, N., Lecchini, D., & Laudet, V. (2018). The post-embryonic development of Amphiprion perideraion reveals a decoupling between morphological and pigmentation change. Cybium, 42(4): 309-312.


During coral reef fish life cycle, the young pelagic larvae colonize the reef. During such important ecological transition, larvae undergo metamorphosis consisting on important morphological, colour, physiological and behavioural changes. We investigated the post-embryonic development of Amphiprion perideraion Bleeker, 1855 larvae raised in captivity from 1 day post-hatching (dph) until 20 dph. To do so, we characterized larval growth, morphological changes and pigmentation ontogenesis. Interestingly, whereas most of the morphological changes are done from 3 dph to 13 dph, adult coloration appears quite late at 11 dph. This suggests a decoupling between morphological changes and pigmentation changes that appear linked to the metamorphic process.

Keywords: Amphiprion perideraion - Metamorphosis - Pigmentation - Pomacentridae - Post-embryonic development
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