First record of Pseudocaranx chilensis (Carangidae) from the continental coast of north-central Chile

Béarez P., Villaroel C.

Published date: October 2018
Volume: 42
Number: 3
Pagination: 303-305

How to cite: Béarez, P., & Villaroel, C. (2018). First record of Pseudocaranx chilensis (Carangidae) from the continental coast of north-central Chile. Cybium, 42(3): 303-305.


The Juan Fernández trevally Pseudocaranx chilensis is a carangid found in the coastal waters of the southeastern Pacific oceanic islands, west of mainland Chile. This species is considered endemic to the Juan Fernández and Desventuradas Islands; however, this study presents a new record of this species off Chañaral Island, on the north-central coast of Chile, an extension of 850 km to the east of its usual distribution range. The underwater sighting of several vagrant individuals might result from a migration of fish larvae from the Juan Fernández Islands.

Keywords: Chañaral Island - Chile - New record - Pseudocaranx chilensis - Southeastern Pacific - Vagrant
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