First record of dwarf flathead Elates ransonnetii (Platycephalidae) in the Adriatic Sea

Dulčić J., Pallaoro A., Dragičević B., Stagličić N.

Published date: June 2010
Volume: 34
Number: 2
Pagination: 222–223
Publisher: Société Française d’Ichtyologie

A specimen of Elates ransonnetii (Steindachner, 1876) was caught on 6 March 2010 in the eastern Adriatic Sea. The specimen was caught at the depth of 15 m on muddy bottom and measured 163 mm in total length. This is the first record of this species in the Adriatic, and second in the Mediterranean.

Keywords: adriatic Sea - Elates ransonnetii - First record - MED - Platycephalidae
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