Seasonal and spatial variability of condition and length-weight relationship of European Chub (Leuciscus cephalus) inhabited in Upper Çoruh River (Turkey)

Bektas S., Yildirim A., Arslan M.

Date de parution: mars 2009
Volume: 33
Number: 1
Pagination: 003-010
Editeur: Société Française d’Ichtyologie

Seasonal and spatial variations in Fulton condition factor (K), somatic index (SI) and length-weight relationship (L-WR) for Leuciscus cephalus from Upper Çoruh River (Turkey) were analysed from March 2000 to February 2001. There was slightly temporal variation in both K and SI for adults and juveniles with generally lower value in summer and winter and higher value in spring. Although a considerable spatial variation in K was reported, there was no statistically difference in SI. L-WR was calculated as W = 0.008 x L3.164 for males, W = 0.008 x L3.176 for females, W = 0.009 x L3.102 for juveniles, and W = 0.008 x L3.162 for overall, indicating positive allometric growth in mature and juvenile fish. Exponent b value also varied both spatially and temporally. Our results suggested that condition, somatic growth, and growth characteristics of Leuciscus cephalus changed depending on both gonadal development and spawning properties of species and environmental condition of the basin.

Mots-clés: Condition - Çoruh River - Cyprinidae - Length-weight relationship - Leuciscus cephalus - Turkey
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