First record of Dactylopterus volitans (Dactylopteridae) in the Eastern English Channel

Mahé K., Foucher E., Elleboode R., Iglésias S.P., Tetard A.

Date de parution: octobre 2013
Volume: 37
Number: 4
Pagination: 307-308

How to cite: Mahé, K., Foucher, E., Elleboode, R., Iglésias, S. P., & Tetard, A. (2013). First record of Dactylopterus volitans (Dactylopteridae) in the Eastern English Channel. Cybium, 37(4): 307-308.


This is the first record of the flying gurnard Dactylopterus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Eastern English Channel. One specimen was caught on 24 November 2011 in the Bay of Seine. It measured 47 cm and weighed 840 g. Based on the sagittal otolith, this specimen was 4 or 5 years old. Another specimen has been observed in the Western English Channel by a fisherman of Granville on 10 October 2012.

Mots-clés: Atlantic Ocean - Dactylopteridae - Dactylopterus volitans - Eastern English Channel - First record
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