Re-description of the rare taillight shark Euprotomicroides zantedeschia (Squaliformes, Dalatiidae), based on third and fourth record from off Chile

Stehmann M., van Oijen M., Kamminga P.

Published date: September 2016
Volume: 40
Number: 3
Pagination: 187-197

How to cite: Stehmann, M., van Oijen, M., & Kamminga, P. (2016). Re-description of the rare taillight shark Euprotomicroides zantedeschia (Squaliformes, Dalatiidae), based on third and fourth record from off Chile. Cybium, 40(3): 187-197.


The third and fourth records of the rare oceanic dalatiid shark Euprotomicroides zantedeschia Hulley & Penrith, 1966 from off Chile, near Juan Fernandez Islands, are described. A nearly mature male of 455 mm total length (TL) was caught by a Russian trawler in 1985, and a presumably mature female of 515 mm TL by a Dutch stern trawler in 2008. Both new records of this rare species, hitherto known only from the juvenile female holotype from the SE Atlantic off South Africa and a mature male found off Uruguay in the SW Atlantic, are described and illustrated in detail. Comparison of the Chilean records with the former Atlantic ones confirmed conspecificity of all four so far known specimens. The unique generic diagnostic characters of a huge luminous abdominal pouch gland is illustrated with photographs, the likewise among sharks unique pelvic girdle morphology is shown by computed tomography (CT) images

Keywords: Dalatiidae - Elasmobranchii - Euprotomicroides zantedeschia - Juan Fernandez Islands - New records - SE Pacific
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