First record of Corniger spinosus Agassiz, 1829 (Pisces: Beryciformes: Holocentridae) from the Eastern Atlantic (Canary Islands)

Lozano I.J., Brito A.

Published date: April 1989
Volume: 13
Number: 2
Pagination: 131-137
Publisher: Société Française d'Ichtyologie

The first record of Corniger spinosus Agassiz, 1829, from the Canary Islands and from the Eastern Atlantic, is presented. The morphometric and meristic characters of the specimens studied are given and discussed in relation to data presented by other authors. The bathymetric and geographic distribution of the species and the importance of the amphiatlantic distribution pattern of the shorefish populations in the Canary Islands are discussed.

Keywords: ASE - Canary I. - Corniger spinosus - First record - Holocentridae
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